14 março 2017

lista de livros lidos em 2017 :

1 : strange weather in tokyo, hiromi kawakami, portobello books

2 : the book, keith houston, w. w. norton

3 : ver no escuro, cláudia r. sampaio, tinta-da-china   

4 : mil anos de esquecimento, afonso cruz, alfaguara

5 : oscar wilde, a certain genius, barbara belford, bloomsbury  

6 : oscar wilde, richard ellmann, penguin

7 : kitchen, banana yoshimoto, faber & faber

8 : la tentation de saint antoine, gustave flaubert, folio

9 : tres deseos (poesía reunida)amalia bautista, renacimiento

10 : early christian lives, carolinne white, penguin classics

11 : hyeronimus bosch: the complete works, stefan fischer, tachen

12 : the desert fathers: sayings of the early christian monks, benedicta ward, penguin classics

13 : poesía completa, alejandra pizarnik, lumen

14 : ...

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